5 Days of Feng Shui Lessons to Lift Your Wealth Vibes

You only get one life. It’s your life and no one else’s. Decide to live it. Decide to be unavailable for anything less than you desire.

You are allowed to have whatever you desire. A desire is something a comes from deep within your soul. It’s not just money or things. It’s a feeling. What is it that you truly desire? Allow yourself to go there. Allow yourself to dream. If anything was possible, if there were no limits and it was impossible for you to fail, how would you like your life to be?

You wouldn’t have those desires come into your head if they were not possible for you. They are unique to you, because they are you. Choose to see what’s possible for you. Choose to try something different. Or, alternatively, you can stay where you are. If you like where you are – great! If not, how much longer do you want to stay there?

You found this activation for a reason. Your soul was looking for it. It needs you to take action in order to bring it to life. There is no fairy godmother. No one is coming to save you. You are the one who saves yourself. You have all of the tools – you have free will. You can choose to think, feel and do things differently.

This five-day feng shui reset has been designed to gently wake you up to the potential within you to attract and receive financial abundance. Over the next five days, I will teach you how to start to shift the energy around your abundance.

Abundance is a mindset. Whether you see it or not, abundance is already all around you. You simply need to tap into it. We will do this using the principles of Feng Shui. This is only the beginning of your shift. You have endless potential ready to be unlocked and the universe is always ready to help you. The universe relies on you though to take the lead. You are the creator of your own life. Once you choose to see the things around you differently you will start to see the abundance of opportunity already before you. Wealthy people already see this. Now, it’s your turn. You are just as deserving as any other person on the planet of generating and receiving wealth.

I’m so glad you are here. Let’s get into it!

Feng Shui is the missing link to activate your abundance vibration.

You’ve been working on your mindset and clearing limiting beliefs so that you can earn more, see the abundance of money-making opportunities before you, and take smart action to build wealth.

You know there must be more abundance available for you as your financial needs are not quite met yet. You have the desire to live your best life. You’ve seen what your best life can be because you’ve set goals and created vision boards.

You know that you are responsible for where you are now. Yes, there have been opportunities you have missed because you took too long to make a decision, you doubted yourself, or you talked yourself into taking the ‘safe’ option by staying in your comfort zone and therefore never moving forwards. And you don’t want to do that anymore.

Or maybe you find yourself gathering momentum and moving towards your goals but there’s no consistency yet. You make a start on taking inspired action but then you come across an obstacle, an excuse or just plain tiredness and you take it as a sign that those dreams and goals are not meant for you.

You fall backwards. You find yourself feeling ‘what’s the point?’ You’re feeling stuck and you’re uncertain how to move forwards.

I have a tool for you to help activate your abundance in all areas of life – especially your finances.

I’m about to teach you about the magic of Feng Shui and how to apply it to your life to unblock the resistance to your best life.  

I’m certified in Feng Shui and I’ve immersed myself in that world for more than 10 years.

I’ve taken all of my knowledge of how feng shui works and how I applied it to my own family and life, and I’ve distilled those ancient principles so that they can be applied to you – a woman seeking an inspired modern-day life of abundance and flow.  

We are energetic creatures. Our surroundings affect our mood, our mindset, our beliefs and of course our luck.

By luck, I mean the quality of your reality.

Luck is not out of your control and it’s not arbitrary.

There are three forms of luck:

·      Heaven Luck

·      Human Luck

·      Earth Luck.

You’re probably only familiar with two of them. Which means you’re leaving 33.3% of your luck on the table!

Let me explain… 

Heaven luck is the kind of luck you’re born into. Where you were born, your star sign, your gender, your skin tone, your health and family.

Yes, it’s out of your control, but it only accounts for 33.3% of your overall luck.

Human luck is self-made luck. You can influence human luck with your mindset and your determination. We are very much in control of our own human luck!

The component of luck you’re probably not aware of is earth luck. This is where feng shui comes in. Earth luck is influenced by our surroundings. In ancient times, it referred to the geographical location and aspect of your home, fields and burial plot. Our ancestors discovered that the safest and most productive place to build a home was with a mountain behind you (protection) and a source of water in front of you (abundance). The mountain would protect you from winds and wild weather, while the water source would ensure the soil for crops was fertile.

We can apply Feng Shui’s ancient philosophy of placement for enhanced positive vibes to our modern- day surroundings. There’s so much you can do! Once you look at your surroundings with a feng shui pair of eyes you will be amazed at how obvious your abundance blocks are and how quickly you can turn them around.  

Join me for a five-day challenge to activate your home for abundance with the magic of feng shui.

Feng Shui is a deep topic although there are many principles you can apply immediately without cost or overwhelm to begin shifting your negative energy out and bring positive energy in.  

Once you find out what they are, you’ll wish you did it sooner!

So, are you ready to unblock your money luck and activate your financial abundance?  

Join me in my 5 Day Feng Shui Activation.

Start whenever you’re ready!

What you get:  

  • Five days of feng shui instruction to activate your home for financial abundance delivered via email with access to the Love Luck Wealth Membership Platform.

  • Inspiration and motivation to follow through and make the changes you desire.

  • BONUS Feng Shui abundance activation meditation.

  • BONUS space clearing lesson.

  • BONUS introduction to the Bagua Map and how to apply it.

Don’t wait, start shifting today.

Who am I to teach you this?

I’ve been certified in the Black Hat method of Feng Shui for over 10 years. I’ve applied it to my own life with a-mazing results and I can help you apply it to your life too! With the help of Feng Shui, I attracted an abundance of new income opportunities into my life, rebuilt my wealth after divorce, and set up my home to ensure my family thrived.

This works! I’ll see you inside the program where you can ask me questions on all things Feng Shui.