To inspire your financial transformation.


I am Financially Abundant! The Aging Project with Julia Scott

This episode serves as a guide for individuals looking to transform their relationship with money and embrace a mindset of financial abundance.

How You’re Blocking Yourself From Building Wealth Her Ambitious Career with Julia Scott

Learn how to ask for the salary you deserve by unblocking your money barriers

Two ambitious mums.

Money Can’t Buy Me Love (it actually can!) with Julia Scott


The Podcast by Mums & Co, shares career and parenting stories providing inspirational personal stories an practical tips for how to start and stay in business, maintain your wellbeing as a mother with ambition.


Understanding our money and how to help it work harder for us with Julia Scott

Women, Money and Manifesting with Julia Scott

The Kyle & Jackie O Show

Kyle & Jacki O of KISS FM talk with Julia LVIE regarding serendipitous moments and NAB’s Inspiring Women in Finance.

Empowering Women to Generate Wealth
Sponsored by Nab Trade

It’s time for women start generating their own wealth the feminine way.

‘I don’t ever want another woman to end up in that situation’ (divorced without any money or choices).

Your Day and Beyond - A podcast about creating a relationships that last.

‘Because women do money differently to men.’

XY Advisers Episode 216 - A podcast for Australian financial advisors.

Heal Your

Money Story

with Julia Scott

The Inner Healer

with Sacha Stewart

The Inner Healer creates your outer world and we’re here to talk about how you can transform from the inside out.


Feng Shui, Money & Success

Bagels, Botox & Barbells - a podcast for female health and fitness

Inspiring Calm 2.png

‘Money’s not just about finance, there’s an energy attached to it.’

Inspiring Calm - A podcast about inspiring calm through space clearing

‘The biggest shift for me was taking control of my own thoughts and choosing not to be a victim.’

Dawn Breaks - A podcast about finding hope and mental health

‘It’s never too late to start building wealth.’

Ep 44 - 'Money Mindset: How You're Blocking Yourself From Building Wealth' with guest Julia Scott

Her Ambitious Career

Her Ambitious Career is a destination for female managers and early leaders who want to land dream opportunities in their careers.