20 Money Mantras to Activate Income Generation

Artist Kirsten McKinzie

Stuck in old money patterns? Having negative thoughts about money? Worried about the future?

None of this is conducive to making money!

Could YOU be the reason why you haven't met your financial goals this year?

If you don't believe you're good at money... you won't be. What you believe to be true becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Yes, it's totally possible to change your financial reality and it all starts with your mindset. Out with the old stories and in with the new! It's time for a fresh take on money.

A great way to get your mind off the poor me track and onto the wealth track is to introduce empowering money mantras to your daily life. Here are 20 of my favourites (click the button below to download the printable). Plaster them EVERYWHERE to infuse them into your sub-conscious and build new neuro-pathways that foster wealthy thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and realities!

  1. The more fun I have, the more money I make.

  2. Things are always working out for me now.

  3. I always have more than enough money.

  4. My income grows everyday on repeat.

  5. All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free, and an endless bounty of money now comes to me.

  6. People love to pay me.

  7. Money comes to me from unexpected places. It shows up everyday.

  8. My success is inevitable.

  9. I am connected to the universal supply of money.

  10. I am worthy of all the richness I desire.

  11. I have the power to create the success and build the wealth I desire.

  12. There is an endless supply of money available to me now.

  13. It's easy for me to make avalanches of money.

  14. It's safe for me to make more than enough money.

  15. I am a money magnet.

  16. I choose to let go of limiting beliefs about money now.

  17. Money loves me.

  18. I choose to live a financially abundant life.

  19. I am worthy of my dreams and goals.

  20. I have the power to change my life.

And one more because I love you so much…

I am excellent at making money!

P.s. If you’re not liking where you’re at financially, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. As a finance professional and money coach I have plenty of tools and techniques to help you kickstart your income growth and step into financial joy. Start with one of my online courses or book a private session with me.

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