How to Escape from a Narcissistic Money Block

Christian Bale. American Psycho, 2000

Just a quick one today. 

I’ve been reading this amazing book Healing from a Narcissistic Relationship by Margalis Fjelstad and I’ve had a few epiphanies around how narcissism relates to money blocks. 

I don’t know if you’ve dealt with a narcissist before but when you first meet one, they’re very stealth at hiding their true self. From the moment you meet the narcissist you fall under his spell. It’s like hypnosis. He’s perfectionism incarnated and you find yourself constantly wanting to please and comfort him because he has brought so much joy into your life. 

Love bombing. 

Over time, you give so much of yourself to him that you gradually lose your own identity. 

Everything becomes about him and you become the worst in the world because ‘everything is your fault’. 

It’s super difficult to spot when you’re in a narcissistic relationship because, well, you’re in it. You become so engrossed in the relationship you forget your own self-worth and brilliance. 

This is how the narcissist puts his victim in a trance like state. 

Everyone can see it except for her. 

Here’s my epiphany. 

Let’s say you have a negative money story - something went wrong for you on the money front five years ago and you can’t stop ruminating about it. 

Here’s where your mind turns into your inner narcissist. Your inner narcissist starts you on a negative thought trajectory and within six to seven months (technically that’s how long it takes for the average narcissist to turn), that pattern puts you into a dangerous tailspin. 

Your self-talk becomes self-depreciating and you start to believe that you cannot do anything right anymore. Everything is your fault and you totally believe it. 

What a stupid mistake!

If only I’d done things differently!

It’s just my luck. Things never work out for me when it comes to money. I’m cursed!

And before long you end up inadvertently manifesting a super crappy financial reality.

Has this ever happened to you? 

Beautiful, it’s time to break up with your inner narcissist. 

Snap out of the trance and start thinking positive. Forgive yourself for past mistakes - you did the best you could at the time and you can't change the past. The future hasn't happened yet so you may as well assume it's going to go well because the universe takes it's order from you, not the other way around. 

Your state of mind will be back to your brilliant self in no time. Book in for my signature money course if you'd like to work on this further.