How to Reach Your Financial Goals Faster

So you’ve set yourself a financial goal.

Although reaching that goal is harder and slower than you first imagined.

And things aren’t going your way.

The important thing to remember here is that there’s always more than one way to reach your financial goal. There is always an easier way. It’s called the path of least resistance.

Can you see it?

Many people can’t.

The reason you can’t see it is because there's a filtering system in the brain. This filter is formally known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

Your RAS helps you spot opportunities to reach your aligned goals. 

Notice I specified 'aligned' goals as opposed to just 'goals'.

This detail is important. It’s the reason you haven’t already reached your goal, even though you want it so much. 

Your RAS ensures that only new information that agrees with your belief system gets through to your brain. Your brain needs new information to help it decide which next best step to take, so anytime that is limited, you’re not seeing the full picture (including the path of least resistance). These are called limiting beliefs. 

The fact that you have an RAS is proof that the universe cannot deliver to you anything you are not an energetic match to. It cannot override your underlying belief system. In other words...

We simply cannot reach a goal that we don’t truly believe in.

For example, you may think you want to 10X your income, but do you actually believe it’s possible? 

Probably not, otherwise you would have already done it! Instead, there is an underlying resistance at play in your sub-conscious.

Thankfully, there is a way around this.

To help your brain start seeing this way, ask yourself empowering questions like: 

  • What if this was easy? What would that look like? 

  • What if I couldn't fail and my success was inevitable? 

  • What if this was fun and not so serious? What if it was ok to make mistakes? 

Answering questions like this in written format helps your brain to acknowledge alternative possibilities. They s-t-r-e-t-c-h your mind to see things differently. 

Once your brain believes it’s even slightly possible to reach your goals, your RAS will begin to work in your favour. 

Another way top help your brain become familiar with your goal is to journal on areas you’re feeling stuck in as if you have already reached your goal.

For example: 

As someone who makes ______________ (insert your goal income), how do I ___________ (insert the task you’re having trouble with)?

Try these tools to help you reach your goals faster and more easily. Performed regularly, they will help amplify your results. 

Let me know how you go!  Read the full blog post and leave comments HERE