Anything is Possible

So, I went to do my online banking today and I saw this! I'm on a national banking institution's home page as a 'woman making waves in investing' on International Women's Day. 

This made my day. It made my day because, lately I had been doubting myself.

Doubt happens to us all and it can strike at any time. I recognised the signs earlier this week so I started ramping up my mantras, journaling, and meditation. I also booked in with my energy healers - you can't underestimate the speed with which doubt can overtake your mindset! 

I'm so glad I did because it reminded me to re-focus on the positive.Through awareness, I had caught the doubt-freight-train before it had gained too much momentum. I had remembered to start consciously looking for beauty, bliss and love in my life. And I found it. 

Yesterday I found a random rose quartz heart shaped crystal on the seat of my car. 

This morning I saw a beautiful sun rise while swimming in the ocean. 

This afternoon Sydney Morning Herald published an article featuring my mentor and my business Love Luck Wealth. You can read it HERE

And this evening I came across Nabtrade's feature article. You can read it HERE.

National Australia Bank and I had been working together to create a piece for International Women's Day on encouraging women to invest although I had no idea it was going to be the home page for their whole investment and private banking page! It came at just the right time to remind me to keep going and to follow my dream to empower women with money, investing and financial freedom. 

The moral to this story is... 

Anything is possible. 

If you never try, you will never know! 

Do you know what your dreams and goals are?

Have you written them down?

Have you said them out loud? 

Everyone has to start somewhere. Whether it's making your first investment, starting your first business or rebuilding your life after debt or a relationship breakdown. All you have to do is start and the pressure is dropped. Know where you want to go, take the first step and the next step will come to you. Empower your mindset and become familiar with how the outcome of your goal feels. Who is the woman you need to become to make this happen? 

You've got this. Let me know if there's anything in particular you're feeling blocked on and I'll help you clear it.