How to Take Back Control of Your Finances

Speed 1994 with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock

OMG, we’re already half way through the year! Do you ever feel like you’re a passenger on the Speed bus with your financial fate lying in the hands of a madman you’ve never met?

Whether you’re ready or not, life goes on. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama and the lack - thinking there’s nothing you can do about it. Bills keep on coming in, and prices keep on going up. Maybe you took your foot off the marketing accelerator for a breather while you celebrated the new year and forgot to put it back on in time? Or maybe you may found yourself holding off on making financial decisions like investing in your business or your portfolio because you were unsure how to proceed. You decided to wait for certainty only to find that you’ve missed that new client or NASDAQ run.

I’ve got news for you… that feeling of certainty never comes, no matter how careful you are. That’s because no one can know the future… because it hasn’t happened yet. But, you can influence it.

Your future depends on what you do today.

When it comes to your finances, it’s up to you whether you want to be the driver or the passenger (the hostage). Hostages freeze. They let outside circumstances and the people around them determine their reality believing that there’s no other alternative. At exactly this point, they close off the door of possibilities and seal their fate.

This way of thinking never ends well. The hostage is in a constant state of worry and always feels out of control. It’s not good for your health and it’s certainly not good for your wealth! Being unresponsive means it’s almost a certainty that things won’t work out. It’s like you’ve already closed the deal.

Your new mantra: “I am responsive”.

I don’t want you to feel like you’re the hostage anymore. If this is resonating with you, come and join my free masterclass and I’ll show you what you can do about it.

I’m here to remind you that there is always another way through.

All you have to do is open the door of possibility by channeling Keanu and Sandra.

Take back control. Come up with ideas. Choose to believe that you have options - there’s always another way.

If you have your own business or you just want to get your personal finances sorted, join me Monday 24th July for a free masterclass on how to take back control of your finances. We’ll do a mid-year review of how you're traveling and open the door of possibilities on where you’d like to go next so that you can spot financial opportunities and be responsive.

I’ll see you in my free mid-year review masterclass on money and mindset July 24th! Register now to secure your place.