Retiring the Financial Drama

Melrose Place 1992

When I think of drama, I think Dynasty, Melrose Place, Succession, and my latest favourite, The Silo. A good TV series always has drama, but your life doesn’t have to. Especially not your finances. You are the producer, director and writer of your own life and believe it or not, you get to have a say in how it plays out.

That is, as long as you're willing to get honest about what you actually want.

Many women don’t actually know what they want their ideal finances look like - in other words, they haven’t written the scenes nor opened their mind as to what’s possible for their big, bright future should they decide to let go of the ledge and fly. They haven’t done the numbers, they haven’t tapped into their deepest truest desires, and they haven’t taken the first step like asking for a raise, or making their first investment. Yet, they can rattle off at a moments notice all of the reasons why money never works out for them.

This is a classic case of negative manifesting and it’s hindering your ability to feel confident and empowered by money! Ladies, your words are your wand. They are the starting point of your screenplay. Which character do you want to be? The one who’s always in trouble or the one who has it together? Play her.

Back to TV show dramas… Even though there’s always another scandal, affair or financial loss, the one thing that is constant in these soap operas is that the show goes on. In case you hadn’t noticed, the heroes always find a way through even when it seems impossible! Characters survive. Lovers reconnect. The next big deal is won. And in the next episode, that old drama, has become irrelevant.

Life imitates art. You can get through the drama too.

Remember that scary thing called the GFC when we all thought the banking system would collapse and that the way we do money would never be the same? How about COVID? Everyone thought the world was ending. We didn’t know how life, let alone economies, could possibly go on!

But it did. Money is money. It’s part of life. And while-ever humans require an exchange of services and goods, money’s always going to be here. Why not change the way you look at it? Why not make friends with it?

What if you decided not to get caught up in financial drama anymore? What would that look like for you? What if your old money stories didn’t exist and you were playing a character who has always been good at money? What would she be doing differently to you now?

What if you just trusted that everything is going to work itself out - because it always does and because you always have a plan. Your relationship with money doesn't have to be a soap opera. It can be easy and enjoyable. Money isn’t really that hard, it’s the emotional aspects that trip us up.

As a chartered accountant, I can teach you everything you need to know about how to manage and grow money, although if you’re still immersed in your old story that you’re no good at money, it will never sink in and you won’t follow through. This is why your money mindset is so important. It’s time to work with me to clear out your old money stories of limitation and drama for a more a more confident and empowering vocabulary and belief system.

There’s always another way to make money. There’s always a way through and you will be ok. Start by letting go of the drama; choosing different thoughts and words about money. Become your own heroine and trust that you’re capable by taking the first steps to bing your financial dreams to life. You can choose to bypass all of the white noise, fear and negative stories around money not working out for you. This is a new episode.