How to Cultivate Your Financial Dream

Daisy - The Great Gatsby, 2013

Daisy (from The Great Gatsby) had all the wealth in the world. It was all she knew. It just was.

She had zero resistance to her wealth and was extremely comfortable with it. If her wealth mindset was a garden, there were no weeds in her garden and it received plenty of sunshine, fertiliser and water every day. She was completely in flow with wealth.

How’s your wealth garden?

Is it thriving, or does it need some tending to?

For most of us (outside the land of fiction), wealth and the abundance mindset required for it, is something we need to work on everyday. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn't need to be back-breaking work, all any garden needs is:

  1. A vision (the seeds)

  2. A starting point (the planting)

  3. Consistency (the cultivation)

It’s quite simple really. With good honest cultivation your financial dreams can become a reality too.

You see, anything is possible. There are no limits to what you can achieve financially. Money is like oxygen, there is an endless and consistent supply available to you now. And you having more doesn't mean someone else will have less. A positive money mindset will help you see this.

The first step is vision. As my friend Arian Simone says “When you are pro-vision, provision will be supplied!”. Arian founded the first venture capital fund for coloured women by coloured women and she started it from nothing. She was living out of her car at the time although, she had a vision to bring this unique VC firm to life, and by God, she did it! She did it by planting that seed - getting super clear on what her business dream looked and felt like.

Ladies, you need to know where you want to go. Write it down and plant it - you may even physically choose to plant that piece of paper! This is step two.

Step three is where true faith and mindset comes in. This is the part that separates the wannabes from the achievers. It’s cultivation. Cultivation is required whilst you don’t see any results yet.

Water your garden every day. What you focus on grows! This is the power of mindset.

Let’s face it, your current financial reality is a reflection of your current beliefs. If you don’t have what you want, you probably haven’t formally created the seed, you haven’t done anything about it (ie. it’s just in your head), and you definitely haven’t watered it everyday!

If you’re ready to cultivate your wealth garden:

  1. Know where you want to go to the finest detail and write it down. Aim for the moon! You may only land in the stars, but at least you’ve moved from where you are now. You will also have new information to take your next step! Create your vision. Empower your vision. Every journey has to start start somewhere. I help women set this out in my private sessions and courses.

  2. Activate your wealth vision and allow it the space to come to life. There is an endless supply of money available in the world and there is no limit to how much you can earn. Focus on the opportunities available to you now and take action. Your action doesn't have to be perfect, you just have to start. Not starting is certain failure. Let go of the overwhelm associated with perfectionism and set yourself free. Ask yourself “if I did know what to do next, what would it be?” You’ll be surprised how awesome your answer is! Let go of the fear of getting it wrong and instead allow what can go right.

  3. Pull the weeds daily and expose your garden to sunshine - this is kind of like mindset hygiene. You can do this with mantras, mediation, gratitude journaling, visualisation and working with me as your certified wealth mentor! It’s always hard to spot your own weeds.

Here’s my final piece of inspiration for today:

When you reach for the stars, you are reaching for the farthest thing out there. When you reach deep into yourself, it is the same thing, but in the opposite direction. If you reach in both directions, you will have spanned the universe.” ― Vera Nazarian