The First Step to Mastering Your Money

Carrie Bradshaw. Sex And The City, 2003

Let me start by saying, money is easier than you think.

Right now, you’re probably thinking it’s hard.

It’s likely always been hard for you. So, you’ve come to the conclusion that you’re just no good at money and that it’s something that only ‘other people’ get right.

This is where the problem lies.

A thought that you keep on thinking over and over again, is the kind of thought that becomes a belief. The belief ‘I’m no good at money’ then becomes part of your identity. This belief stops you from taking action to better your financial situation and therefore, your financial situation gets worse. And voila, your ‘belief’ has become your reality!

You’re not alone. Many people have this belief and the finance industry loves it. They love it because a limiting belief like this keeps you needing their services, and of course, their credit. For this reason, they don’t want you to know what I’m about to tell you…

You can choose a different reality.

You can be good at money, and believe it or not, the first step to mastering money is to allow yourself to dream about what life would be like if you were good at money.

This may sound simple, but for most of us, it’s not easy.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t know what they want when it comes to money. I mean really know in detail what ‘enough’ money looks and feels like to them.

Try it out for yourself…

If I asked you to write down what your financial goal was for 5 years’ time, could you?

Do you even know how much your current life costs?

How do you know how much will be enough in the future?

What if I asked you to aim for more than enough?

Do you feel any resistance around coming up with this goal?

For most people, articulating your financial goal can be stressful not because it’s complicated but because it’s emotionally triggering. The triggering part is acknowledging that this new goal will require you to actually become good at money. In other words, it will require you to change your beliefs, thoughts and actions!

Humans are hard wired to avoid change at all costs - even if it’s good for us. So, if you're ready to signal to the universe that you’re available to change your ways and to allow yourself to become good at money, you’ll need to confront change. You’ll need to make change your best friend. Change is good!

You can do it.

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Take a few deep breaths to get centred and say aloud “This is easy, I can do this”. Then get to work writing out your 5 year financial goal - in detail.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • This doesn’t have to be perfect; it just needs to be done.

  • You’re allowed to change your goal whenever you like.

  • Please, please, please allow yourself to think big. You have so much potential.

  • Activate the quantum field by feeling now how awesome and proud that five-year version of you is feeling in the future when she’s achieved that goal. Use this feeling to help fuel your new belief that “I am excellent at money”!

  • Remember, a belief is just a thought that you keep on thinking. So, think empowering thoughts to have empowering beliefs.

If you’d like help clearing your emotional blocks around becoming excellent at money and learning how to do money better in life or business, book a session or a course with me. All you have to do is start!