Love and Money on an Energetic Level

I was looking for inspiration on what to share with you this week.

I wanted it to be insightful and mindset shifting. Something to help you recognise your awesomeness when it comes to money so that you can BE the version of you that has the energy and confidence to DO the things you know you need to do to accelerate your financial abundance. 

I received the idea to pull an Oracle Card asking the Universe what you needed to hear. The resulting card is "You Got The Love" (via Rebecca Campbell's Starseed Oracle Deck). 

This card is encouraging you to be aware of co-dependent relationships. You may need to re-establish healthy boundaries in order to avoid losing your sense of self. You're losing your sense of self if you're feeling anxious or powerless. You may also be giving more than you receive. 

You are allowed to receive all of the love you desire.

More than enough. 

An overflow of love. 

In order to rebalance, recognise that all of the love you require is already within you and you don't need others to provide it for you. You don’t need to wait.

In fact, once you embody self-love, you become a magnet for others because people like the way you feel! 

All of this wisdom can also be applied to your relationship with money. 

“We accept the love we think we deserve.” Stephen Chbosky 

It can also be said that we accept the money we think we deserve. 

Just sit with that for a while and see what comes up. 

You have the ability to generate the income and wealth you desire. 

You don't need anyone else to do it for you. 

You DO need to take action. 

I hope this helps. Let me know your thoughts. 


P.s. I have a Free Money Class happening next week! If you’d like to join me register here.

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