When You Covet Other People's Wealth

Covet: to want to have something very much, especially something that belongs to someone else.

Surely you’ve experienced this? The feeling of desire for a lifestyle, an ease, a nonchalant wealth. The kind of wealth where nothing seems a problem and everything can be ‘arranged’.

Maybe you’d never admit to it, nor say it aloud?

Is that because you feel that wanting overflowing wealth is bad, greedy or misguided? Where does this association come from? Why is it bad? And who decided this was so? Remember, you having more does not mean someone else has to have less - money is not a finite resource, it’s brilliantly unlimited ✨, and you having more means you have more to share, enjoy and create change with. It’s a good thing!

I digress. Back to coveting…

Science tells us that it’s only human to covet that which you desire. It’s like a primitive guidepost directing you to your most fulfilled destiny. Are you taking it seriously?

What you seek is seeking you. Rumi, 1244

Science also tells us, seeing others with whatever you covet the most is likely emotionally triggering. This is because it is reflecting back to you your unfulfilled potential.

Uncomfortable isn’t it.

To avoid this uncomfortableness, we tend to project that awkward feeling back to the source where it came from… ‘rich people are bad, greedy and inconsiderate’. To make them feel uncomfortable, not us.

Has this ever happened to you? Do you think harbouring subconscious beliefs such as these attract or repel wealth?

Next time you find yourself coveting, judging, or resenting someone else’s anything, recognise it for what it is - simply a guidepost for something you require to meet your unique destiny.

If you do not wish to meet that destiny, that’s fine, let it go (and never covet again). But, if there is an inkling that you do, try looking at things from a different point of view. Try looking for the good. Try seeing the unlimited possibilities available to you to begin living this new identity and do something about it.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer

In other words, it’s totally possible for you to have everything you truly desire. It will require you to get out of your comfort zone though - to look at things differently and try something you’ve never done before.

Up-level your money skills (I have plenty of courses for you to choose from), action that business idea, go for the promotion.

“What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, what if you fly? Erin Hanson

You’ve got this! All you have to do is start. Do it today.